Vrindavan, India
August 25th 2020
Dear Jagadish,
Please accept my blessings. I hope you and your wife both are well.
This is to remind you that a real disciple is that devotee who has received spiritual initiation from a Spiritual Master who is authorized by the ancient Vedic scriptures. That includes saintly authorities and Lord Krsna Himself. Such a disciple is called an authentic disciple because he or she feels compelled from within to follow the will of their Spiritual Master. Such a disciple receives spiritual potency, by the help of which they remain fixed on their accepted spiritual path.
You are materially great because you are an American devotee disciple and you should take advantage of this by going back to Godhead. You know, there is an American saying, “A man (or woman) is known by the words he (or she) keeps.” The words of one’s lifetime are given to Guru in the sacrificial arena at the time of receiving spiritual initiation. The given words must be kept in all circumstances till one’s last breath.
But if, due to some circumstance or due to imperfect upbringing, while being engaged in devotional service, a disciple deviates from their given promise then that disciple is forgiven by the Vedic scriptures, and the authentic Guru informs about how this happens. For example, if a child learns how to walk by some fall-downs, then such fall-downs are not condemned by the scriptures because they expect such things to take place for the spiritually weak. But if such fall-downs happen repeatedly, then they hamper one’s spiritual advancement, as much as a child who does not stand up to walk after falling down.
A scripturally authentic Spiritual Master regularly prays to Lord Krsna (along with his daily prayers) for the spiritual improvement of his disciples. If disciples are sincere at heart, the prayers of their authentic Guru work on them. Such a real Guru never wishes anything negative for his disciples even if his disciples are not up to the mark. He never desires anything evil for his disciples. This is one of the secret qualities of a true Guru.
A real disciple does not want to become a headache for his or her Guru because becoming a headache for one’s scripturally authentic Guru accumulates offense. A disciple who repeatedly breaks spiritual principles becomes a headache to their Guru. When a disciple realizes that he or she has broken a spiritual principle (or principles) then he or she must inform their scripturally authentic Guru about that incident to become reformed and stop the problem. Heart-fully regretting about the committed mistake reduces the gravity of the accumulated sin.
Those who are spiritually fortunate find a scripturally authentic Spiritual Master. The scriptures state that such a Guru is obtained by those who are blessed by Lord Krsna and by the blessings of such an authentic Guru one obtains Lord Krsna. This means Lord Krsna’s blessings reward one with a perfect Guru and by the blessings of such a Guru a disciple obtains Lord Krsna. In this passage, Lord Krsna is cited two times, because a scripturally authentic Guru is like slices of tomatoes placed between two pieces of bread-like Lord Krsna. This means Lord Krsna functions as two pieces of bread, covering both sides of the tomato-like Guru, to make into a hearty sandwich, by accepting which a disciple’s spiritual requirement becomes fulfilled.
Yes, you are lucky because you have obtained a scripturally authentic Vrajavasi Spiritual Master. It is also true that you were spiritually born in Vrindaban through spiritual initiation. That is why you are also a Vrajavasi. GURU MATA GURU PITA, Guru is the spiritual mother and spiritual father as well. You have a Vrajavasi Guru and you had taken spiritual initiation in Vrindaban; that is why you are a Vrajavasi through spiritual initiation. In this there is no doubt.
Many years ago, while I was in America, I said to Lochan Das (I do not recollect what mistake he had made) “You stupid American, come here.” Hearing this, Lochan responded, “No Swamiji, I am not an American anymore.” I asked, “If you are not an American then who are you?” To this Lochan replied, “I am a Vrajavasi because I was spiritually born in Vrindaban from you and you are a Vrajavasi.” Such an understanding conviction comes due to spiritual improvement. By nature, Lochan is a very saintly devotee and is truly fixed in his dedication to his Guru. Everyone should develop such dedication to their Spiritual Master if he is scripturally authentic.
Around 1991, Bhakti Tirtha Swami (an American black devotee godbrother) asked me, “How are your disciples doing spiritually?” I told him, “They are doing nicely.” Then he asked me, “What about their sex life?” To this I told him, “I think that they follow spiritual rules properly.” Hearing this, he told me, “Americans cannot live without having sex.” When I heard such a statement, I looked at him and thought, “He is also an American, what about his sex life?” He implicated himself with his own statement. When our discussion ended, I told my American disciples about this, to which they said, “Those who want to follow, they will follow, and those who don’t want to follow, they will not follow, no matter what you say.”
In all circumstances, we should follow Krsna consciousness and never give it up. If a devotee does not give up following Krsna consciousness, then the Lord extends His transcendental blessings, by the help of which that devotee becomes spiritually fixed and never deviates from spiritual principles. This is the proper way to advance on the spiritual path.
Those who develop a nature of remaining determined become spiritually successful. You must know that it is very easy to advance in spiritual life if one surrenders to the commands of an authentic Guru.
If someone can give up intoxication such as regular smoking, then it is very easy to give up other lingering bad habits. The Vedic scriptures say that it is difficult to give up intoxication. The four regulative principles that are to be relinquished by every disciple – the scriptures say that out of these four principles – the gravity of sin from two principles (illicit sex and gambling) is lesser, thus the sin of these two are easily forgiven because they gather shallow sin, which is why they can be easily forgiven. The gravity of sins from the other two rules (meat eating and intoxication) are very difficult to forgive because sins acquired from them are too deep. Every disciple is wanted to follow these four regulative principles at all times, but if somehow a disciple deviates from any of these rules but continuously practices Krsna consciousness, then that disciple can again develop pure spiritual qualities. One must not stop spiritual practice in any circumstance but remain a devotee till their last breath.
Doubting one’s scripturally authentic Guru is a grievous sin. Such a sin (offense) is not forgiven even by God, Lord Krsna. A disciple must be careful about this offense because doubting an authentic Guru is compared by the scriptures with a big demon who devours the devotee’s purity at once. Therefore, a devotee must carefully guard their devotional creeper from this devouring demon-like unforgivable offense.
A serious devotee receives liberation from this world, but if that devotee somehow accidentally falls, then that devotee is rewarded a human birth in their next life to begin practicing spiritual life from the point where it was left off before their fall-down in their last life. But if a devotee willingly falls down, then that fallen devotee is given a lower birth. For this reason, a devotee is required to always remain alert and under careful watch while practicing devotional life.
A devotee should focus on receiving liberation while executing devotional service. Unless there is a fixed goal in spiritual life, one cannot successfully practice one’s spiritual life. Desiring liberation from this material world is considered to be a spiritual desire, which is why it is not called desiring. Desiring material things is negated in spiritual practice, but desiring something spiritual is not condemned on the spiritual path.
You are a nice devotee and have done nice service of editing books of your Guru. Now it is your duty to remain a devotee till your last breath and not change from it. I am confident that you will follow spiritual life till you leave this world.
Please carry on practicing your regular spiritual life properly and carefully and carry on with chanting your sixteen rounds, reading spiritual books, and take Krsna prashadam daily. Lord Krsna will listen to your prayers because your Guru is on your side. Jai Sri Radhe.
Your ever well-wisher,
Krsna Balaram Swami