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Visa šlovė mūsų Guru His Divine Grace Pujyapad Mahamandaleswar Mahant Šri Krsna Balaram Swami Prabhupada. Pirmiausia,tai labai mylim mes savo Guru, gal nevisada paklausom savo Guru,bet praėjus tam tikram laikui įvykdom Swamio prašymą. Esam labai dėkingi už visus mūsų pataisymus. Esam labai netobuli,todėl labai klystam. Ačiū Guru už tai, kad visada ir visur lydi mus sėkmė. Nuolankūs nusilenkimai Guru Šri Krsna Balaram Swami Prabhupada. Nė akimirkos negalėtume gyventi be Swamio. Amžini Jūsų tarnai Keshava das ir Leela devi dasi.

Keshava das, Leela devi dasi

Keshava das, Leela devi dasi

Disciples, Lithuania

I know many intelligent people but you are the most intelligent, your knowledge is unlimited, it is the knowledge of God, you can see Govinda unveiled because your eyes are spiritual.

Prahlad Das

Prahlad Das

Disciple, Switzerland

Due to some great fortune, one may come in contact with an authentic Guru. An authentic Guru must match the qualifications of the Vedic scriptures, as the very word Guru is Vedic and the Vedic scriptures are the mother of Vedic culture. Swamiji is an authentic Guru and has unsurpassed knowledge of the Vedic scriptures written in Sanskrit by Srila Vyasadeva and is thoroughly dedicated to his Guru and Lord Krsna. Swamiji was born in a transcendental Vaishnava family. He did not carry over bad habits from his past life or have bad habits in this life like the unqualified agents of this age who are giving initiation even though unqualified to do so. Through the time I have spent with Swamiji, I can attest to his guileless austerity. There is countless evidence to attest to the fact that he is the one carrying on the link of the Gaudiya Sampradaya from his Guru, one just has to have the spiritual intelligence to see it.

Jagadīś Das

Jagadīś Das

Disciple, U.S.A

So many fond memories of when Swamiji first arrived to the US around 1977 and so many of us were immediately captivated by his Vrijavasi charm, wit, kindness and fathomless depth of knowledge in all Vedic scriptures. At that time no one in ISKCON had more than 11 years experience in devotional service, so whenever Swamiji would give the morning Srimad Bhagavatam class devotees would be astounded and amazed staying for hours asking questions and hanging on his every word. Fast forward 40 years now all the predictions written in Swamiji’s horoscope, that this child will carry the unbroken chain of disciplic succession of his Guru forward and make many disciples, has become an obvious truth.

Kavirāj Das

Kavirāj Das

Godbrother, U.S.A

All Glories to his Divine Grace Krsna Balaram Swami. My Swamiji is my life saver. I was in a sinking boat and he rescued me. Every night before I take rest I pray to his picture to help me be a better devotee. I have no association where I live so the videos are my association. Thank you Swamiji. Jay Sri Krishna!

Jaya devī dāsī

Jaya devī dāsī

Disciple, U.S.A.

Your qualities are so magnanimous that so many have tried to imitate you but only to prove themselves as utter failures as they could hardly come anywhere near to even a fraction of your glories.

Lalitā devī dāsī

Lalitā devī dāsī

Disciple, Guntur-Andhra Pradesh.INDIA

So rare to be found in this Iron age, Swamiji is like a diamond in devotional life. Swamiji is expert in spiritual knowledge and it is our luck to obtain him as Spiritual Master. Jai Sri Radhe.

Sabavat Vinod

Sabavat Vinod

Devotee, Mahabubnagar city of Telangana, India

He is the SCRIPTURALLY PERFECT GURU of this generation, his BOOKS are the most detailed conclusions of the VEDAS. His Srimad Bhagavatham and Srimad Bhagavad Gita Commentaries are the MAGNUM OPUS. Every sentence in his lecture and books are Flawless. I am yet to meet him, but already taken him as my GURU.

Bhakta Srudhi Higreeve

Bhakta Srudhi Higreeve

Devotee, Salem City in Tamil Nadu, India

Through the Vrajvasi Bhasyam of respectful Mahamandaleswar Mahant Krsna Blaram Swami, we have been provided with a key to lead a successful life in happiness and free from worldly anxiety . His teachings will transform one’s life into a healthy, pleasurable one and it brings beauty to their personality.

Dr Sikha Malviya,

Dr Sikha Malviya,

Professor, Agra University

I got Lord’s mercy on 25.01.2018 after Lord Govinda’s darshan on Tirumala hilltop. That is the divine darshan of pure devotee of Lord Krsna His Divine Grace Mahāmaṇḍaleshwar Mahant Kṛṣṇa Balarām Swāmī’s. After reading Śrīmad Bhagavad-gītā commentary written by swamiji, I realized that Swamiji is leading a Ship heading towards goloka Vrindavan, so I have boarded that ship.

Bhaktin Bhagyalakshmi

Bhaktin Bhagyalakshmi

Classical dance instructor, Guntur-Andhra Pradesh.INDIA

“Encountering swamiji has been a true blessing, and I’m immensely grateful for the profound knowledge swamiji has generously shared. Your book, ‘The Bhagavad Gita – Song of God,’ stands as a timeless treasure, enriching my life with its wisdom. I Thank swamiji for the lasting impact he has had on my perspective and understanding.”

Akula Venkata Ramana Gupta

Akula Venkata Ramana Gupta

Design Engineer, Bangalore city in Karnataka

Everything about His Divine Grace Sri Krsna Balaram Swami Prabhupada is perfect, and specially his books are so expertly written. The words from Gurudev’s books go right into the heart of the reader and while reading all doubts seem to disappear in an instant. If anyone gets to sincerely read at least some pages from his books it is certain they will feel purification and change right away. His Srimad Bhagavad Gita is simply the most beautiful and perfect in all respects and Gurudev’s newly recorded speeches on Srimad Bhagavatam have inspired me beyond anything I ever felt before. Jay Gurudev! Jay Sri Radhe!

Krishna Kirtan

Krishna Kirtan

Devotee from Lithuania, Europe

The moment I saw you it was clear to me you were speaking the truth about everything, and that I could only be saved by His Divine Grace. I was so relieved I finally found you, my Guru. That first meeting changed my life. I hope to render much more service to you in the near future. Serving you is the goal of my life.

Bhaktin Akvile

Bhaktin Akvile

Devotee from Lithuania, Europe
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