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God Does Not Want Anything in Return


”The Supreme Lord who has entered into the fire, in the water, inside the universe, in the herbs and in the vegetation to sustain everyone unto that Lord we pay our homage again and again.”

yo devo agnau yo apsu yo
visvam bhuvanam avivesa

ya osadhisu yo vanaspatisu
tasmai devaya namo namah


Everyone in this creation needs the earth to live, vegetation to eat, water to drink, fire to sustain and herbal medicines for good health. Without these things no living entity can exist. The scientists and atheists are proud about their achievements but none of them can create any of the above-mentioned items, which sustain all the creatures of this world. Only God created them and entered in to them to reproduce the living entities in their original potent form. Unto this Lord everyone owes debt. He does not want anything in return for His favor, except for everyone to remember Him and feel obliged. Anyone, being grateful for the Lord’s help, chants His glories, worships Him regularly and pays homage repeatedly, He frees that person from the miseries of this world and gives them residence of His spiritual kingdom to enjoy there forever.
[Svetasvatara Upanisad, 2.16, KBS0020]
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