”Just as a spider creates a web and covers itself with that web, similarly the Supreme Lord, who is uniquely one, by nature, using His energies has covered Himself, may that very Lord give us shelter at His transcendental lotus feet.”
yas tantunabha iva tantubhih pradhanajah
svabhavato deva ekah svam avrnoti
sa no dadhad brahmavyayam
The nature of the Lord is that He wants to please His devotees. Whatever He does it is just to please His loyal devotees. He knows who is loyal and sincere and who is faking and hypocrites. Among these, those who are not sincere, the Lord covers Himself from them as He states in the Bhagavad Gita (7.13) and keeps them under three modes of material nature so they cannot perceive Him. But those who become His sincere devotees and surrender from their heart the Lord reveals Himself to them. As He states in the Bhagavad Gita (7.14) He unties the knots of three modes and thus frees His real devotees. This material world is compared to a web created by the Lord using His energies in which living entities are caught with material attachments and thus developing unlimited desires for sense gratification which keeps them entangled in the material pool of rebirth and death. But those who are lucky they take shelter of a scripturally authentic Guru who guides them how to become disentangled from materialism and please the Lord thereby becoming liberated.
[Svetasvatara Upanisad, 6.10, KBS0093]