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The Lord’s Property

The Lord Property

“Anyone who torments great souls in any way, his such bad deed destroys his duration of life, wealth, fame and every blessing he has received. He also becomes bereft of meritorious acts and their subsequent results like liberation or entrance into heaven.”

ayuh sriyam yaso dharmam
lokan asisa eva ca
hanti sreyamsi sarvani
pumso mahad-atikramah


To end this chapter, Sri Sukadeva Goswami states that death alone is not sufficient punishment for any person who disrespects, insults, or creates trouble for a real devotee. One may question, if a devotee is saintly and not interested in harming others, how is he the cause of this antagonist’s demise? The answer lies in a statement that Lord Krsna told Uddhava where He said, sadhavo hrdayam mahyam, “A real devotee is seated in My heart.” Because devotees are intimately connected to the Lord, He cannot tolerate anyone who offends them in any way, he He punishes the offender. An example from the logic scripture helps illustrate the Lord’s reaction to a person who offends His devotee. It states that a barefooted person can tolerate scorching sun on his head while walking in the summer season, but cannot tolerate the hot sand on the soles of his feet. Similarly, a devotee may forgive an offender, but the Lord does not forgive His devotee’s offender. He loves His devotee and will break His every promise to protect him. If the Lord is protecting someone, who can disturb him? And if did not properly care of His devotee, no one would worship Him. Therefore, the honor of being the Lord’s devotee is great pleasure, without fear of harm or trouble.

There are six principal things every person wants, whether they admit it or not. They are good health and longevity, immense wealth to use while on earth, a good reputation, a good family, piety, and, after this body expires, entrance into the Kingdom of God or heaven. These desires can be achieved if one is situated in goodness. To be properly situated in goodness, one must accept and follow an authorized Spiritual Master word for word.

Thus, a devotee is a great benediction to the world because, by association with him, a sinner can enter the Kingdom of God. But, at the same time, offending him can bring a person the worst misfortune because the devotee is the Lord’s property, and for any offense towards him the Lord gives great punishment. Therefore, one must deal very delicately with a real devotee.

[Srimad Bhagavatam, 10.4.46, KBS0050]

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