“In this way Krsna and Balaram moved throughout the forest, playing customary games on river banks, upon hills, in valleys, in groves, in forests, and near the lakes of the Sri Vrindaban area.”
evam tau loka-siddhabhi
kridabhis ceratur vane
kananesu sarahsu ca
The circumference of Vraja is one hundred sixty-eight miles. In this area Lord Krsna plays with His brother Balaram and His other associates. At this time everyone is less than nine years of age, and Krsna and Balaram are younger than most of the cowherds. They play while grazing cows. Their play takes place on the banks of the Yamuna and its branches, in the hills like Govardhan, Vrisabhanu, Nandi, and the Carana Pahadis, in the valleys like Gahavaravan and Madhuvan, in the groves like Vrindaban, Kamyavan, Pisaya, Kokilavan, and so on. According to the Amarakosa Dictionary, kunja is defined thus, nikunja kunjau va klive latadi-pihitidare, “A place in the midst of trees that looks like a hut, but is actually adjoining trees, branches, and vines intertwined, forming a beautiful dry shaded place. Such a place is called a grove.”
[Srimad Bhagavatam, 10.18.17, KBS0059]